Today sees the publication of Revolution Consulting’s latest update report investigating the profitability and risk levels amongst the largest independent providers of children’s social care services.

This research is commissioned by the Local Government Association, and updates information first provided in this format in February 2020.

Much has changed in the intervening year, not least as a result of the wide and dramatic impact of the Coronavirus pandemic. The full impact on local authority finances and on those of their providers, including those studied in this report, will become increasingly apparent during the further disclosures and financial reporting during the coming year. Further updates to this work are therefore planned during 2021.

The announcement in January 2021 of the commencement of the long-awaited Care Review includes clear indication that one area of focus for the work will be on the impact of increasing demand, high and rising prices and the perceived unresponsiveness of some parts of the market (sic). Questions to be addressed include asking who is best to provide value for money and sustainable services, and also where accountability should lie. The role of independent sector services, how they are commissioned, and by whom, therefore seems to fit squarely in the crosshairs of the review.

The importance of the availability of high-quality information about the sector in the coming year cannot therefore be understated. In addition, there is an imperative that the information is properly understood and interpreted. Some of the information available requires technical knowledge from those with qualified accountancy backgrounds to aid understanding for all readers. It also benefits from first-hand insights gained through direct experience within the sector and a continuing dialogue with those directly involved all around the sector.

Revolution Consulting is therefore offering a series of on-line seminars in the coming weeks.

These will include an overview of the materials covered in the published reports and will also include the opportunity to explore the implications of the findings with fellow councillors, directors, commissioners, policy makers, providers and other interested parties.

“Hear insights from the information in the study directly from the author”

If you are interested in securing a place to attend one of these events, and to receive further information about them please contact us via or via email

Please identify your organisation and your role so that we can provide you with the appropriate seminar details.

A number of free places are available, and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

A new article has been published on the Children and Young People Now website, with a section by Andrew Rome of Revolution Consulting.

Commissioning Care: Policy Context – click here to view.